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Have you ever heard God whisper to you? Maybe it sounded quietly, or maybe it was so loud in the depths of your soul you knew without a doubt He was clearly leading you to do something crazy BIG!

Here’s a disclaimer: When you decide to follow that whisper, some people are going to think you’re crazy. Shoot, you’re going to think you’re crazy half the time, too. Are you ready for that?

Mark Batterson writes in his new book, Whisper“When you take your cues from the Holy Spirit, you’ll do some things what will make people think you’re crazy. So be it. Obey the whisper and see what God does.”

I think we all desire to hear the whisper of God. I think we all what to know what His plans are for us. But I think sometimes we’re not willing to get quiet enough to hear. We get too busy. We get in the way of ourselves. Maybe we’re just too afraid of what He’s going to tell us. 

Batterson says, “Nothing has the potential to change your life like the whisper of God. Nothing will determine your destiny more than your ability to hear His still small voice.

Sometimes I’m quiet enough to hear His whisper and I know without a doubt Holy spirit is telling me to do something crazy, like start a ministry I feel ill equipped to lead. Then He tells me to move to my hometown to offer hope to hurting women. I didn’t know when He whispered that to me what was to come, both the good and the bad. If I had, I probably would’ve ignored that whisper and let fear take over.

[ctt template=”5″ link=”c5a2I” via=”yes” ]What if we’re just too afraid to hear what God has to say to us?[/ctt]

Then there are the times I get too busy “doing His work” and I don’t listen to His whisper. And I crash. And I burn. And I beg and plead for His whisper to come again. And it does. Because that’s who He is. So full of grace and patience and mercy.

And I pray this brave prayer again, God… speak to me. 

His song of deliverance shows up and I learn to discern His voice again. And His song sets me free. Again.

And I quit hiding from God.

And I learn to hide myself in Him.


Are you listening for His whisper?

I highly recommend Mark’s new book, Whisper: How to Hear the Voice of GodHe will teach you about the 7 ways God actively speaks to us: Scripture, Desires, Doors, Dreams, People, Promptings, and Pain.

It’s been soothing to my soul and I look forward to sharing more with you.

What is God whispering to you right now? I’d love to hear. Leave a comment below…

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