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“You can be anything you want to be.” Those are the words spoken to us from childhood.
The Best Version of You
Men and women stand in the audition room on American Idol, belting out a tune that may kill the neighbor’s dog six states away, believing they really can sing. Why? Because their parents told them they could.
Mom heard little Sarah sing at the age of three and clapped at the solo concerts. Who wouldn’t? Every three-year old is the best singer in the world.

But when you’re 22 and you’re still singing in the same pitch you were at three, there’s a problem. 

My guess? You weren’t meant to be a singer. Ever.
Jon Acuff writes in Start

You can’t be “anything you want,” but you can be something even better: the best version of you.

Yes! This makes so much sense. We aren’t all singers, writers, musicians, doctors, you get the point. I work with an IT guy and I’m pretty sure the size of his brain would give me a headache if we were to trade places.
Guess what? I’m so okay with not knowing why this cord doesn’t allow that hard drive to process the dishwasher’s defibulator when the qpx crosses the fiver. (Confused yet?)

Trying to be good at everything will leave us good at nothing. 

I may not be an IT tech and I can’t sing either, but there are several things I can be the best version of me at. I’m a speaker, a writer, a leader. I’m good at those things. Why? Because God designed me to love them. He continues to teach me how to be better. And I continue to want to be better because He has put those gifts in me.

Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. – Psalm 37:4

Are you doing what you love? Are you pursuing a passion that wakes you up everyday? Are you striving to be the best version of you?
If not, it’s time to S.T.A.R.T.

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