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I was recently saying it would be great to go on a vacation. I must admit I didn’t think it would look at all like this.
I’ve been waited on hand and foot. Room service three times a day. The housekeeper changes my bed clothes daily. The smell of roses fill the air in my Penthouse room overlooking the city. What more could a girl ask for?

photo credit: capturedbychelsea

Ahhh.. But there’s a catch. 

I’m in room 937 preparing for my seventh day in the hospital. Room service arrives with jello for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Every hallway walk or restroom trip I take is followed by the shadow of an IV pump keeping me hydrated. The roses make me smile and this bed isn’t too shabby. Wednesday I made it outside for the first time in days. Never take the sunshine for granted.
During my unplanned fast I haven’t received some big revelation from God. I have, however, heard the word “peace” often. I’ve spent a lot of time reading Philippians 4:6-8 over and over again. Multiple tests later and still no answers, I’m reminded of God’s peace.
He’s teaching me patience. Patience in waiting. Patience in trusting. Patience with the snoring roommate five feet from me.
I don’t know what tomorrow’s going to bring. But I do know this.
I’m choosing peace. 
Today I wait. Wait in peace.
What are you waiting on? 

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